Bird Riders
Bird Riders
Last spring I created a series of needle-felted birds, each one had a passenger that in some way corresponded with the 'lore' of the type of bird it was riding. Inspired by folk and fairytales the bird riders embody some of the rich cultural links between humans and birds. Birds are emblematic; they are messengers, symbolic of health, fertility, wisdom, peace, death and misfortune. They feature heavily in folklore, They are present nearly everywhere on earth with huge diversity, the more we understand birds and nature, the more we respect and connect with them.
The wee small folk
Every culture has their own version of stories about 'the wee folk' similar to us humans in form but diminutive in size. The Aziza are a beneficent fairy race from Africa, pillywiggins are tiny fairies, guardians of the flora in Irish folklore, 'Tien' come from Vietnamese folklore, Mogwai are a breed of fairy-folk from China who possess great powers, Huldfufólk come from Iceland and ÁLFAR (elves) are a supernatural race in Scandinavian mythology. The folklore surround the wee folk is worldwide and multicultural, often stemming from oral traditions of myths and story telling.